Estudios de Toxicología Preclínica de la Viroterapia Oncolítica

Preclinical Toxicology Studies of Oncolytic Virotherapy

With increasing concerns about patient safety during medical care, finding treatments that are as safe as possible is a priority, especially when focusing on cancer treatment, whose therapies often come hand-in-hand with serious side effects. Oncolytic virotherapy is an emerging cancer treatment that promises both safety and efficacy. Many clinical trials currently underway demonstrate the growing interest in this field. To carry out clinical trials, preclinical studies are mandatory; however, there are not many reviews of toxicology studies on oncolytic virus therapies. This article summarizes preclinical toxicology studies of the most studied oncolytic viruses, including Oncorine, Talimogene laherparepvec, Cavatak, ONYX-015, teserpaturev, and Rigvir, a nonpathogenic ECHO-7 virus. It is concluded that oncolytic viruses have been shown to have low toxicity and high tolerability in preclinical toxicology studies.

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